A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established’  Proverbs 24:3

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Cranmer Community Covenant

These are the words we reaffirm together at the beginning of each year at Cranmer Hall, which identify how we wish to live together in community, for the common good and for the worship and witness of Jesus Christ.


Thankful for God’s love for you in Jesus Christ, will you seek to grow in love for God and one another, sharing that love in word and deed?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Rejoicing in God’s presence within us by the Holy Spirit, will you seek to grow in joy, building a community of thankfulness, worship and prayer?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Recognising that we have been reconciled with God in Christ, will you seek to grow in peace-seeking and peace-making, looking to transform conflict and build up our common life?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Thankful for God’s great forbearance and patience with us, will you seek to grow in patience, bearing with one another and being slow to anger and quick to listen?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Rejoicing in God’s grace and mercy towards us, will you seek to grow in kindness, serving one another and building a community of grace?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Recognising that God delights in all that is good, will you seek to grow in goodness, walking away from darkness and living as children of light?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Thankful that God is for us a rock and a refuge, a very present help in trouble, will you seek to grow in faithfulness, proving trustworthy in word and deed and a steadfast member of our community?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Rejoicing in God’s care of us, as a mother comforts her child, will you seek to grow in gentleness, caring for one another with all the compassion of Christ?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will


Recognising the call of God to pursue lives of purity and holiness, will you seek to grow in self- control, resisting the temptation of sin and looking to honour God with your body and spirit, heart and mind?

By the Spirit at work in me, I will