A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…’  Romans 12:2

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Who’s who at Cranmer Hall

Cranmer Hall’s reputation for excellence in theological study and ministry training is due in large part to the staff who work here and constantly seek to maintain our high standards.

These short biographies are here to provide an introduction to key members of staff and their experience and responsibilities.

Revd Dr Nick Moore
Lecturer in New Testament
Revd Sarah Strand
Dean of Anglican Formation
Lecturer in Theological Reflection
Dr Cynthia Bennett Brown
Director of the MA Programme
Lecturer in Doctrine and Theological Reflection
Revd Steve Muneza
Director of Contextual Learning
Lecturer in Global Theologies
Revd Dr Joshua Cockayne
Lecturer in Mission and Evangelism
Director of the Centre for Church Planting Theology and Research
Revd Dr Tim Carter
Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Preaching
Dr Samuel Tranter
Academic Dean
Lecturer in Doctrine and Ethics
Revd Ian Galloway
Dean of Free Church Formation
Lecturer in Leadership and Mission
Revd Dr Paul Regan
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Lecturer in History and Doctrine
Dr Elizabeth Hare
Lecturer in Old Testament
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Coordinator
Revd Jamie Daniels
Director of Leadership Training and Access
Growing Leaders North East
The Revd Canon David Kennedy,
Revd Canon David Kennedy
Teaches Liturgy
Ruth Perrin
Dr Ruth Perrin
Free Church Tutor
Dr Brandon Hurlbert
Teaches on The Bible and Christian Faith
Revd David Dadswell
Revd David Dadswell
Diocesan Secretary of the Lincoln Diocese
Teaches Consultancy for Mission and Ministry
Dr Jocelyn Bryan
Dr Jocelyn Bryan
Teaches Issues in Pastoral Ministry and Psychology and Christian Ministry
Professor Anthony Bash
Teaches Forgiveness in Pastoral Ministry Today
Glenn Packiam
Revd Dr Glenn Packiam
Visiting Fellow at St. John’s College
Teaches Contemporary Worship
Dr Gerard A Charles
Teaches Christianity and Other Faiths
The Revd Dr Jennifer Moberly
Revd Dr Jennifer Moberly
Teaches on Bonhoeffer
Revd Dr Alan Bartlett
Revd Dr Alan Bartlett
Teaches Anglicanism
Roy Searle
Revd Roy Searle
Free Church Tutor
The Revd Professor David Wilkinson
Revd Professor David Wilkinson
Director of Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science
The Revd Richard Briggs
Revd Dr Richard Briggs
Teaches Preaching the Old Testament
Mark Bonnington
Revd Dr Mark Bonnington
Teaches Denominational Ministry, the History and Theology of the Charismatic Movement, and Mission and Ministry in the Acts of the Apostles
Revd Dr Susanne Carlsson
Teaches Spiritual Direction
Pete Ward
Professor Pete Ward
Professor of Practical Theology
Teaches Contemporary Worship
Christopher Jameson
Teaches New Testament Greek
Chris Courtman
Finance and Operations Director for St John's College
Gail Bentham
Admissions and Placement Secretary
Nicola Dale
Academic Administrator
Brittany Hurlbert
Executive Assistant to the Warden and Communications Officer
Michelle Hodgson-Lambert
Michelle Hodgson-Lambert
Leadership Training and Access Assistant