A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established’  Proverbs 24:3

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

My Cranmer Story

Here are ten different stories from some of our students and leavers about what they value most about Cranmer Hall.

Click on each video to find out what they think.

Linzi Blundell

Community Life.

Nicholas Lebey

Placements and UKME Perspectives.

Emma Walters

Being an Ordinand at Cranmer Hall.

Michaila Roberts

DThM Pathway.

Shakeel Nurmahi

MA Pathway.

David Lucas

Mixed Mode Pathway.

Lois Beynon

Family Life while Training.

James Wallace

Being An Ordinand at Cranmer Hall.

Alex Oehring

Alex talks about how studying theology at Cranmer has deepened his own faith.

Al Metcalfe

Al talks about how training at Cranmer has enabled him to bring together parts of the Christian life which are often forced apart.

Anne Marie Naylor

Anne-Marie talks about how a combination of doctoral research and formational community have prepared her for ministry.

Caroline Taylor

Caroline talks about how placements have been a vital part of her training at Cranmer Hall.

Jenni Foreman

Jenni has found Cranmer a place where she can go deeper in her faith and experience ministry in all its diversity…

Elliott Ireton

Elliott came north from London with his family to train. They have just loved it…