A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…’  Romans 12:2

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

New Appointment: Dean of Anglican Formation

Rev Sarah Strand

Cranmer Hall is delighted to announce the appointment of the Revd Sarah Strand as Dean of Anglican Formation. Sarah will join the senior leadership team at Cranmer Hall, with responsibility for the formation of Church of England ordinands and a brief to develop the range and modes of training that Cranmer offers. Sarah is currently a part-time Lecturer in Theological Reflection at Cranmer Hall and has been instrumental in us becoming a Learning Hub of the Growing Faith Foundation. Sarah previously served a curacy in York Diocese and is undertaking a PhD on children’s faith. It is anticipated she will take up this new full-time role in early summer 2024.

The Revd Dr Nick Moore, Warden of Cranmer Hall, commented: ‘This is a senior role which attracted a strong field of candidates, and the panel was unanimous in offering the role to Sarah. She combines pastoral experience and wisdom with an intimate knowledge of Church of England formation, vision, and strategy. She has a proven track record of innovation and development, and we have confidence that in this new role she will help lead Cranmer Hall into the next phase of our calling and ministry as a centre of theological formation.’

The Academic Dean, Dr Sam Tranter, added: ‘The Dean of Anglican Formation is a key role in shaping our rich and vibrant “life together” of prayer, worship, and community, as well as in looking to future possibilities. Sarah brings a passion for seeing people grow in faith and confidence, as well as gifts in developing theological training that fosters fruitful mission and ministry in our time. I look forward to working together as we seek to share with many the distinctive charisms of Cranmer Hall, and discern those new ventures in theological training that position us not simply as a pipeline but a veritable irrigation hose, resourcing God’s people.’

Reflecting on her appointment, Sarah said: ‘I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed to serve the Cranmer Hall community as Dean of Anglican Formation. It has been a joy and privilege to be part of this community of worship, learning and formation for the last seven years and I am looking forward to leading and serving here in new ways. Grateful for a strong foundation and rich heritage, I am particularly excited about the opportunity for innovation and creativity in developing Cranmer Hall’s approach to theological formation.

As part of St John’s College, Cranmer Hall has been training ministers for the Church of England for 115 years. Alongside residential training we deliver a Mixed Mode pathway, and we are exploring further ways to make excellent theological formation available via different modes of training for a range of ministries.


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