A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established’  Proverbs 24:3

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Appointment of Revd Canon Dr Philip Plyming as the new Dean of Durham Cathedral

The College is delighted with the news that the Warden of Cranmer Hall, Revd Canon Dr Philip Plyming, has been appointed as the new Dean of Durham Cathedral. This is an exciting new phase for both Philip and the Cathedral and strengthens the already strong partnership St John’s holds with the Cathedral.

The Principal, Revd Professor David Wilkinson, comments, ‘We are so grateful for Philip’s outstanding service to the College over a number of years. He has been a Warden of grace, wisdom and deep humanity who has led Cranmer through many challenges including of course the extreme pressure of the pandemic. Ordinand numbers have been buoyant and new partnerships have been forged with a range of free church partners.   He has led the Cranmer team with creativity and faithfulness and has been a constant source of counsel and compassion to ordinands. We will miss Philip greatly as Warden and as a committed and passionate College Officer. However we are so excited for this new opportunity for witness and service. We will hold Philip and the family in our prayers during this time of transition.’

Philip adds, ‘It has been a privilege and a joy to serve as Warden of Cranmer Hall for the last six years. I have found it enormously encouraging seeing God at work in students’ lives as they have trained for church leadership, and it has been great to work with such a talented and committed operational and tutorial team. It has been particularly good to see our reach across the North East grow through the Free Church Track and the Relay Bursaries, and I know these will go from strength to strength in the years ahead.  I want to thank David and all my colleagues for the outstanding support they have given me, and for all the laughter we have had together. I will miss staff and students alike very much and look forward to offering whatever support I can as Dean to the ongoing vocation of St John’s College. The College is a special place and will always have a special place in my heart.’

The Deputy Warden of Cranmer Hall, Revd Dr Emma Parker, comments, ‘Philip has been an endless source of wisdom as he has led our community with generosity, dedication and sincerity. He is a person of immense capacity and many gifts: an excellent and engaging teacher and researcher, a faithful and authentic preacher, a thoughtful and creative manager, a pastoral and visionary leader. We will miss his laughter and energy, and he will continue to be deeply respected and loved by staff and students. We rejoice in his new appointment and praise God for this new calling upon his life. Our prayers go with him and his family.’

Philip will take up the role of Dean on 16 September.

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