A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight’  Philippians 1:19

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ


New Chaplain at St John’s College   We are delighted to announce that Revd Dr Liz Kent has been appointed as the new Chaplain at St John’s College, Durham.  Liz read law at Liverpool University before training for ordained Methodist ministry at the Wesley Study Centre in St John’s College.  Since ordination she has served in local churches across the […]
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Cranmer Hall, St John’s College is announcing two exciting initiatives which will significantly increase access to theological and leadership training across the North-East: 30 fully-funded bursaries for students to access theological training at Cranmer Hall and a new Leadership Training and Access Officer who will expand Cranmer Hall’s existing partnerships with local churches training people to grow in leadership and […]
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Sign up for our upcoming Church Planting webinar with revd Jack Shepherd. We will be exploring the theological-empirical basis of resource churches in the CofE. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/church-planting-webinar-a-theology-of-resource-churches-tickets-255089739277
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Cranmer Hall publishes a journal, Theology and Ministry, and the latest issue is out today! It is an annual publication, peer reviewed, and open access.   This issue contains excellent articles on Bonhoeffer’s preaching, what British evangelicals actually believe, forgiveness, and more besides. There is also a review article and a couple of book reviews, on topics as diverse and […]
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We are delighted to announce that Lizzie Hare is to be the new Lecturer in Old Testament at Cranmer Hall within St John’s College, Durham. Lizzie has degrees from Durham and Cambridge and her PhD at King’s College, London is on a theology of loneliness in the Hebrew Bible. She has lived and worked in Sweden and China and currently […]
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At Cranmer Hall we welcome the report From Lament to Action as a decisive moment in the Church’s fight against racism.  We welcome the clear identification of racism as a sin which mars our common humanity and unity in Christ, and recognise the urgency of moving from well-meaning words to clearly-defined actions.    We were glad to make a detailed submission to […]
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CRANMER HALL AWARDED GRANT FOR SCIENCE-ENGAGED THEOLOGY Cranmer Hall is delighted to share news of our successful bid for grant funding under the ‘Science for Seminaries’ programme. Research project Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS) has awarded substantial grants to Cranmer as one of nine theological colleges in the UK with the aim of promoting science-engaged theology. […]
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Cranmer Hall, the theological college within St John’s College Durham, is marking Black History Month this October with a series of special interviews and events to celebrate the stories of BAME students past and present. Three in-depth interviews with former students now in church leadership will be released on the Cranmer Hall website.  There will also be a number of […]
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We are delighted to present volume 6 of our open-access journal Theology and Ministry, offering timely and thoughtful articles and book reviews at the interface of theological study and ministerial practice and reflection. Theology and Ministry is a peer-reviewed publication of Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, Durham, carrying original research articles and book reviews by both established and emerging scholars […]
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We are delighted to announce the appointment of Ian Galloway as Director of the Free Church Track at Cranmer Hall. Ian was Lead Pastor of City Church, Newcastle for 33 years, during which period he oversaw significant church growth both in terms of size and missionary outreach. Ian holds an MA in Theology and Ministry from Durham University and brings […]
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