A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…’  Romans 12:2

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ


St John’s College Durham and The Diocese seek to appoint to a dual-focus ministry as Chaplain to St John’s College (0.5) and Priest in Charge of Doxford Sunderland (0.5) This is a new configuration of the post which offers exciting possibilities in college and parish which can mutually resource each other. The post holder will be based in the parish […]
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Unfortunately, the Explore Day planned for the 17th May has been cancelled as Ben Witherington has been called away from Durham for a few days over the 17th. Please watch this space for any future announcements regarding Explore Days.
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Explore Daty 2013                 We are excited to share with you our annual Explore day for 2013 taking place at St John’s College. This year, we have Dr Ben Witherington, Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary, speaking on the canon of scripture. Details of the day can […]
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The Bishop of Carlisle, Rt Revd James Newcome, will be delivering a lecture called ‘Assisted Dying: a Christian Response’ at Cranmer Hall on the 23rd April. Bishop James Newcome acts as the Church of England’s spokesperson on health care matters and is also chair of the College Council of St Johns College. He has spoken widely on the need to […]
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The Warden of Cranmer Hall, Mark Tanner, will be travelling to Uganda to spend a week with the Bishop in the Diocese of Soroti, in the Eastern  part of the country. Mark will be blogging during his time away, which can be found here. Please pray for Mark as he spends time travelling and working over the coming week.
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The next Step Forward event will take place at Bishopthorpe in March 2013. More details, and a booking form,  can be found on the Step Forward website http://www.stepforwardanglican.org.uk/  
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Let’s be quiet for a moment and then pray. Come Holy Spirit to the hearts of your people and kindle in them the fire of your love. To be nominated to this post is both astonishing and exciting. It is something I never expected, and the last few weeks have been a very strange experience. It is exciting because we […]
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St John’s College, Durham, and in particular Cranmer Hall, warmly welcome the appointment of the Right Reverend Justin Welby as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury.   Bishop Justin trained in preparation for ordination at Cranmer Hall between 1989 and 1992 and is remembered as a student with a deep faith, personal warmth, a hard working but humble ordinand of great […]
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Michael Volland, the Cranmer Hall Director of Mission and Tutor in Pioneering Ministry has written an article for Fresh Expressions – just follow the link to see what he has to say. http://www.freshexpressions.org.uk/views/revolution
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