A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight’  Philippians 1:19

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Cranmer Cheers as Warden becomes Bishop Mark

Rt Revd Mark Tanner

On Tuesday 18th October, students from Cranmer Hall crowded into York Minster to witness Warden Revd Canon Mark Tanner become Rt Revd Mark Tanner, Bishop of Berwick. Lectures were suspended for the day to allow a coach-load of ordinands, students and assorted friends to make the trip down from Durham.

Bishop Mark’s colleagues from the Cranmer staff were among those who processed to the thundering sound of the organ and choir of the Minster. The music was augmented during the service by a worship band including current and former Cranmer students. “What a day!” said Mark Wade, who, along with fellow-ordinand Poppy Richards, joined the procession and assisted in the administration of Holy Communion. “Mark will be greatly missed as our warden but it’s great news for Church of England!”

The Archbishop of York, Rev Dr John Sentamu consecrated Bishop Mark alongside Rt Revd Mark Ashcroft who became Bishop of Bolton. Revd Dr Emma Ineson, Principal of Trinity College Bristol, gave an encouraging sermon which picked up on the themes of outreach and evangelism in the readings for St Luke’s Day (and included an inevitable pun about the ‘Two Marks of Mission!’)

The consecration also allowed Cranmer students past and present to reunite to congratulate and to pray for Bishop Mark, as well as enjoy each other’s company before the coach returned to Durham that afternoon. “Mark has meant so much to so many of us,” said second-year ordinand Martin Little. “He’s very much in our prayers as he embraces this new calling. Mark formed such a great ethos at Cranmer Hall that I know will continue as we look to the future.”

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