A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight’  Philippians 1:19

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

First woman bishop in the Church of England trained at Cranmer Hall

Students and staff members at Cranmer Hall are delighted that the Revd Libby Lane will be consecrated as the Bishop of Stockport on Monday 26th January 2015 in York Minster. 

Libby trained for ordination at Cranmer Hall between 1991 and 1993. Cranmer was the first Anglican college to train women for ministry and we are now looking to the future as we continue to train many excellent men and women for ministry in every part of the Church of England, and the church worldwide.

This historic appointment is a source of much encouragement to women and men at Cranmer, signaling a new chapter opening before us as women begin to exercise episcopal ministry.

Mary Jobling, president of the Cranmer Common Room, comments:

‘As a woman training for ministry I’m really excited about this appointment. There are many excellent female role models ministering in the church and I’m looking forward to them becoming more visible as this office is opened up more widely to women.’

 Postgraduate student Will Foulger says:

‘I am absolutely delighted that Libby Lane is being consecrated as Bishop. This is an historic moment for the Church – not just the Church of England – but the Church worldwide. As the Church takes a further step in living out its calling to be a body without barriers, Cranmer Hall will be praying that many are blessed through her ministry.’

Revd Professor David Wilkinson, Principal of St John’s College adds:

‘For a College which has always been at the forefront of theological education and formation in ministry for women, the consecration of one of our former Cranmer Hall students as the first female Bishop is a source of great joy.’

Contact details for comment:

Revd Dr Kate Bruce – Deputy Warden, Cranmer Hall

0191 3343851, cran.depwarden@durham.ac.uk

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