A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight’  Philippians 1:19

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Named, Known and Called – a day conference for women exploring ordination

Following the success of the last conference, Cranmer Hall is delighted to announce the date of the second Named, Known and Called day conference for women exploring ordination.

Seminars, worship and spending a day thinking, praying and exploring calling. Speakers include Revd Lis Goddard (co-author of The Gender Agenda) Rt. Revd Alison White, the Bishop of Hull, Revd Dr Kate Bruce (Deputy Warden, Cranmer Hall) and Ven Sarah Bullock, Archdeacon of York.

The conference will take place on Saturday 3 December, 10am-4.30pm at Cranmer Hall, Durham.

Find out more and sign up here Named Known Called.

In association with Awesome.NKC Flyer 2016 (1)


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