A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established’  Proverbs 24:3

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Press Release: New staffing developments

It has been announced that the Revd Dr Michael Volland will be leaving his post at Cranmer Hall in August. We wish him well as he moves on.

We, at Cranmer Hall, are excited at this opportunity to continue to develop our work in mission, pioneering, and entrepreneurial leadership in partnership with the church nationally and locally.

Michael came to Cranmer Hall in 2001, following his curacy in Gloucester, and has completed his DThM during his time as part of the vibrant and diverse team in Durham. He has been a valuable part of the pioneering work we are doing in developing Mission Partnership with Durham Diocese. He was also licensed as Mission Priest in the East Durham Mission Partnership in 2014.

The Revd Canon Mark Tanner, Warden of Cranmer Hall said ‘We are grateful for Michael’s work among us and hope that others will benefit from his considerable gifts in the future.’

Cranmer Hall will be working with the Rt Revd Graham Cray and Prof Pete Ward as we continue to offer excellent and grounded training for mission and ministry in today’s context.

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