A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established’  Proverbs 24:3

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ

Talking Theology Podcast – Ten episodes old!

The Talking Theology Podcast is ten episodes old this week. Since its launch in January, Talking Theology has welcomed a range of theologians and church leaders covering topics ranging from comedy to suffering, science to religious freedom. People have listened in across the globe to conversations which seek to join the dots between theology, church and the world. The tenth episode, launched this week, welcomes Dr Nick Moore (Cranmer Hall) for a discussion on the relevance of the early church for the modern world.

The first ten episodes has seen the podcast’s host, Philip Plyming (Warden of Cranmer Hall), welcome Prof David Wilkinson (St John’s College, Durham University) for a conversation on science and theology, Prof John Barclay (Durham University) on grace, Miriam Swaffield (Fusion) on how young people are coming to faith and Dr Andy Byers (Cranmer Hall) exploring antisemitism in John’s gospel.

Other episodes have covered the Old Testament and the love of God (Richard Briggs, Cranmer Hall), theology and humour (Kate Bruce), religious freedom (Joel Edwards), suffering (Bishop Libby Lane, Derby), and theology and celebrity (Pete Ward, Durham University).

Reflecting on the first ten episodes, Philip Plyming said, ‘It has been a real joy to see Talking Theology start so well. The feedback we have received from church leaders, students and lay people alike has been most encouraging.”

He added, ‘Podcasts are a really accessible way for people to keep up with some exciting theological questions around today. But Talking Theology has also demonstrated that it is a way of introducing people who wouldn’t normally be interested in theology or religion to Christianity for the first time. I am really excited about the next ten episodes we have lined up..’

The next ten episodes will include conversations with Prof Simon Oliver (Durham University) on creation, Canon Jessica Martin (Ely Cathedral) on prayer and Prof Alec Ryrie (Durham University) on Protestants. There will also be a series of special interviews from Edinburgh University with Profs Larry Hurtardo, Helen Bond and Jolyon Mitchell.

Talking Theology is released fortnightly and is available through iTunes and other podcast providers or at our website podcast.cranmerhall.com. For more information visit www.cranmerhall.com.


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