A vibrant and diverse evangelical Christian community.

‘And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight’  Philippians 1:19

Cranmer Hall, St John’s College,

3 South Bailey, Durham DH1 3RJ


Dr Elizabeth Hare
Lecturer in Old Testament
Brittany Hurlbert
Executive Assistant to the Warden and Communications Officer
Revd Ian Galloway
Director of Free Church Formation
Lecturer in Leadership and Mission
Dr Gerard A Charles
Teaches Christianity and Other Faiths
Dr Samuel Tranter
Academic Dean
Lecturer in Doctrine and Ethics
Revd David Dadswell
Revd David Dadswell
Diocesan Secretary of the Lincoln Diocese
Teaches Consultancy for Mission and Ministry
Glenn Packiam
Revd Dr Glenn Packiam
Visiting Fellow at St. John’s College
Teaches Contemporary Worship
Pete Ward
Professor Pete Ward
Professor of Practical Theology
Teaches Contemporary Worship
Revd Steve Muneza
Director of Contextual Learning
Lecturer in Global Theologies
Gail Bentham
Admissions and Placement Secretary